Use Our Best Seller Framework To Turn Your Knowledge Into a Course, Book and Premium Coaching Program

This simple “plug & play” outline will show you the exact process our publishing team uses every single week to help our clients turn their ideas into 6 & 7 figure books, courses and coaching programs

Get The Workshop + 3 FREE Bonuses

(Complete with the 22 Mega Niches That 99% Of Best Selling Courses Are In)

This Best Seller Framework Has Got Our Books & Courses Featured In

What Is The Best Seller Framework?

The Best Seller Framework is our internal step-by-step system we use to help our clients turn their knowledge into best selling courses, books and coaching programs.

By using this framework, clients have been able to go from staring at a blank page wondering how to sell their knowledge…

…to create a transformational program that changes lives and receives dozens of raving fan testimonials.

We discovered this framework by analyzing hundreds of top selling courses & book with the focus on one metric:

Completion Rate

And the results shocked us…

We Discovered That the Average Course Completion Rate is a Measly 20% 😦

If clients don’t move through your content…

they don’t get results, leave testimonials and recommend you to others.

When we saw this, we focused all our research on best selling books and courses with high competition rates.

We discovered 4 unique frameworks that are used to create almost every single best selling program out there.

What we did was modify them in a way that could be used by anyone.

So our team could get to work and rapidly help our clients launch their book, course & coaching program in record time.

Most importantly, ensure it made sales.


The #1 Subtle Sales Killer is Lack of CLARITY!

If you don’t know who your audience is…

Don’t deeply understand their core desires…

…you won’t make sales!

Many of our clients had tried to productize their knowledge for years.

Did everything from joining other programs doing everything they could to try and create a best seller.

Yet, they still fell flat on their face.

Simply because they were missing one little piece:

They didn't have a best selling framework that could make them stand out in a crowded market.

Because of this, they look liked everyone else...

Sounded like everyone else...

And their message always fell on deaf ears.

So how do you turn your knowledge into a product that get sales?

Productize Your Knowledge Into a Simple Step-By-Step Framework That Doesn’t Bore People To Tears

We've done the work for you.

Open up the Best Seller Framework…

Follow along to create a unique hook + mechanism + outline…

Then, create your next best seller that leads to tangible results and is more entertaining than watching Netflix. 

After using this method to create dozens of gurus (that we signed NDA’s with), we know it works.

And now, we want to hand you the same system we kept behind closed doors for a few bucks…

The Best Seller Framework

Turn Your Knowledge Into a Best Selling Book, Course & Coaching Program

  • Part #1: Understand Your Dream Clients at a Subconscious Level ($97 Value)

  • Part #2: The Three Ways to Create Your Outline ($197 Value)

  • Part #3: How to Use The Best Selling Framework ($67 Value)

  • Bonus #1: 4X Best Selling Frameworks ($97 Value)

  • Bonus #2: Amplify Your Expertise With AI ($97 Value)

  • Bonus #3: 22 Best Selling Niches to Enter ($27 Value)

Total Value: $582

Your Price: $6.97

We Used This Framework To Work With Industry Leaders & Hundreds of Coaches To Publish Best Selling Books & Programs

Here’s a few of their stories…

Here’s Everything You’re Getting For Just $6.97 Today

Included in your order

Part #1

Understand Your Dream Clients at a Subconscious Level

($97 Value)

I’ll show you our internal subconscious research process to understand exactly what your ideal clients want to buy (and not buy).

Included in your order

Part #2

The Three Ways to Create Your Outline

($197 Value)

You’ll unlock the three ways to create your best seller based on your personality type, background and story.

Included in your order

Part #3

How to Use The Best Selling Framework To Outline Your Program FAST ($67 Value)

I’ll show you a step-by-step breakdown sharing exactly how to use the Best Seller Framework to outline your program fast.

Included in your order

Bonus #1

4X Best Selling Frameworks

($97 Value)

I’m going to give you the same four best selling frameworks our internal team uses time and time again to publish best selling books, courses & coaching programs for our clients.

Included in your order

Bonus #2

Amplify Your Expertise With AI

($97 Value)

You’re going to get a detailed breakdown sharing how to use AI to amplify your experience and help you outline your expertise.

Included in your order

Bonus #3

22 Best Selling Niches to Enter

($27 Value)

If you don’t know what niche to create your course in, I’ll walk you through the 22 “Mega Niches” all best selling products fall into

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Exactly Am I Getting?

You’re getting access to the same internal training & frameworks we use in our publishing company (IME Publishing Group) to help our clients turn their knowledge into a best selling book, course & coaching program.

  • Who is this for?

This is for anyone who wants to turn their knowledge into a book, course or coaching program. We’ve helped everyone from people who have never signed a client before, best selling authors who want us to write their book for them to coaches & consultants working 1-on-1 with clients who want to turn what they do into an online program or book.

  • How is this different from other programs?

Unlike other programs who focus on just “making sales”, this program is focused on building your foundational intellectual property.

By doing this, you’ll completely eliminate confusion about how to position, market and sell your offers.

When we work with a new client, this is always the first step to help them get crystal clear clarity by turning their knowledge into a transformational program/book/coaching program.

  • Why Should I Trust You?

We’ve worked with industry experts across the world to help them publish best sellers.

Unfortunately, we can’t share many of their results because we signed NDA’s to protect their privacy as we were the ones creating and writing their books while running their marketing.

All I can say is that this framework is responsible for creating over 100 million dollar coaches and hundreds more 6 figure coaches.

  • Why Do You Say Book, Course & Coaching Program?

When we work with clients, we build all three for them using The Best Seller Framework.

Because to be honest, the outline is the same for all three. The only thing that changes is the delivery mechanism.

So you can use this outline to create any type of product you like.

(And if you want our help to do this, we have a delicious offer on the next page).

  • What Will You Cover Inside The Program?

Here’s a few things we’ll cover:

  • How to make sure you KNOW your course will sell (before you ever create it)

  • How to name your product

  • Which platforms to host it on

  • How to promote it,

  • How to build credibility 

  • How to price it

  • What If I Want My Money Back?

We’ve got a no questions asked money back guarantee.

Try the program out and if you don’t feel confident mapping out your next best seller, ask for your money back and you’ll get it.

That simple.

  • How Do I Order?

Simply click the button below and confirm your information.

Once there, you’ll head to a secure checkout page to collect your credit card info.

We use Stripe & Paypal, two of the most secure payment processors in the world.

You’ll then head to a short welcome video and get instant lifetime access to the program & all materials.

The Best Seller Framework

Turn Your Knowledge Into a Best Selling Book, Course & Coaching Program

  • Part #1: Understand Your Dream Clients at a Subconscious Level ($97 Value)

  • Part #2: The Three Ways to Create Your Outline ($197 Value)

  • Part #3: How to Use The Best Selling Framework ($67 Value)

  • Bonus #1: 4X Best Selling Frameworks ($97 Value)

  • Bonus #2: Amplify Your Expertise With AI ($97 Value)

  • Bonus #3: 22 Best Selling Niches to Enter ($27 Value)

Total Value: $582

Your Price: $6.97